On Displacement:
"‘Displacement’ displays three items that were floating around my studio throughout 2013. All of the items spawn from personal memories on a fragmented steel structure. The cast bronze peppers are reminiscent of the drying pepperoncini in my apartment windows, the photograph is one that I took of a garment left behind from a fire near my old apartment and the piece of fabric is one that is relational to the garment in the photograph. Much like a pin board of notes or ideas, the grouping of the three items creates an abbreviated visual poem."
-Phillip Scarpone
On Apt #15:
"The sensation of mystery inspired ‘Apt. #15’. For a six month period I walked by the front window of the apartment below mine in Athens, Georgia never seeing the person who lived inside. A towel protruding through their window blinds was my only indication that somebody lived there."
-Phillip Scarpone
*Phillip Scarpone's work, Remembering Shipley, will be on view at the group show Going Home, at the Foundry Art Center in St. Louis, MO from October 22 - Late December. To view Remembering Shipley, please click here.